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Is anyone from SAI online here?


New Member
I've got another week of hospital crap with my girlfriend (today was transfusions, tomorrow is an endoscopy, and we'll see where that goes... if you have a friend or family member who is considering a gastric bypass, just follow them around with a 2x4 and hit them whenever they try to eat - it'll be easier on 'em...).

Graphtec says that my contour cut problems are not machine related. I'm using Photoprint 5.0 DX, and my vendor also acted severely puzzled. Of course, he was in the middle of packing to go to Indy, and I've already paid for the software, so I don't think his concern level is all that ratcheted up....

So, hey, do you guys have a guru who is familiar with both the Graphtec CE-5000-120 and Photoprint 5.0 DX?


New Member
first off, I hope you Girlfriend gets better.

second....give me some more info. like is it cutting at all? is it cutting and they aren't aligned? is it cutting off by more then an inch?


New Member
I print to the Mutoh... My sample print is now a 1" circle with a 0.25" contour... It is a -round- circle, not oval at all.

I move it from the Mutoh to the cutter, and line up the first registration mark with the ARMS... it'll usually find it. Then it goes hunting for the second, seems to find it most of the time, then it advances a tad, and slowly heads toward the left side of the cutter - markerror message.

It'll cut from both Robo and Cutting Master, but since those two don't print...

Hunting the registration marks from the control panel on the cutter works. It finds all four.


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
Side step the finger pointing between Graphtec and SAI and put your own marks on the four corners of a known rectangle.

Make the contour cut just a path, print, load the print in the plotter and use the plotter's auto scan to find your four marks. After it finds the fourth mark it will tell you how far it thinks the marks are apart, since you did a known rectangle, adjust the plotter's opinion of the X and Y distances to what they're supposed to be. Send the path that used to be the contour cut and the registration marks to the plotter.

There you are.


New Member
if you have a friend or family member who is considering a gastric bypass, just follow them around with a 2x4 and hit them whenever they try to eat - it'll be easier on 'em...).
Bogie sorry but I had gastric Bypass on 6/24/2006 & Best thing I done for me I've gone from 477 to 285 & would do it again. Gotta push the protein I had some issues but Kenny Arlo & steve C. all seen me at 477 & have seen me at 290-300 about a month ago & I think all will tell you how much healthier I look & I sure feel it ! but pm me if ya need to talk I'll stop on this board !:thread


New Member
Cadmn, you're one of the lucky 97%...

Jen's profoundly hearing impaired, and I think they sold her a lot more than she thought she was getting. I think she thought it was just a magic procedure that'd make her lose weight. She has Great Faith in modern medicine, whereas I spent enough time around R&D to be a sincere skeptic.

Then when she had some complications (she had to have the thing revised last August), things just got ugly... They'd put it off too long, and everything was inflamed. A scope surgery that was supposed to last four hours turned into 9 hours, and a huge zipper incision. Feeding tube, two drains, long-term IV line, etc. Then it was peritonitis, pancreatitis, ulcers, stricturing, etc., followed. And it turns out that when they revised it they basically eliminated the stomach all together.

Which they hadn't told us about.


New Member
Bogie you admit 97% lucky hmm 97% maybe it works? some just are prone to complications.Not a magic Bullet tho NO Such thing exists.


New Member
Graphtec Print/Cut

1. What type of registration mark are you using?

2. Where to you set your origin point? Example: "Exactly where the 2 lines meet".

3. Whats your cutter speed setting?

Might be able to help with this info. I had a few problems myself similiar to yours.


New Member
I'm using the kind that have the legs pointing out. I set the origin point in the middle of the first one. It usually finds it. I've got the speed set real slow. Did some cutting today at 4cm/s.


New Member

Does your registration mark look like this one? When loaded, should be lower right hand corner. Try placing tip of blade where I drew the star on the attached image. Speed can sometimes be a problem if your pinch rollers are dirty, cleaning them with alcohol helps most of the time.

I was setting my origin point in the wrong place, and when I learned to set it here, I've not had a single problem since.

May not be your problem at all, but its worth a shot!

Good Luck.


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New Member
i didn't notice this addressed anywhere . . . did you name your contour line something like :

CutPath or CutContour


New Member
I created the contour in Photoprint.

I have a couple of hours free today... So I've been on hold for the past half hour...