I've lost the left bank of cyan on each of my heads - this sometimes happens because I believe I have a faulty sensor on one ink cart line and it tries using an empty cartridge instead of switching over to the new one and puts ink in the line as a result. I've had it happen before, usually I do a nozzle wash, couple of cleans and we're good.
but this time it printed about 40 sq ft before I noticed (NCU is not working), and now after several cleans, ink fills, nozzle washes, and even manual pulls on the line under the cap station with a syringe I am not getting them to fire.
Help here would be greatly appreciated - I have about 1000sq ft to print in the next 24 hours.
PS- When I did the pull with the syringe, I did open the cyan valve using the #test menu, and no ink came down and through - just a little bit of black muddy colored ink.
but this time it printed about 40 sq ft before I noticed (NCU is not working), and now after several cleans, ink fills, nozzle washes, and even manual pulls on the line under the cap station with a syringe I am not getting them to fire.
Help here would be greatly appreciated - I have about 1000sq ft to print in the next 24 hours.
PS- When I did the pull with the syringe, I did open the cyan valve using the #test menu, and no ink came down and through - just a little bit of black muddy colored ink.