• Listen when the carriage is moving and make sure the printheads aren't hitting the "print head cleaning kit" or the ink funnel. That happened to me once on mine. It was time to replace the cleaning kit anyway, but for some reason the one that was in there got raised up just a tiny bit and was making contact with the printheads/carriage.
• Might need to replace the other print head (if you replaced k, replace the Y; if LM replace M, etc. etc.)
• Could also be heat related. I have to adjust my temps relatively regularly during spring and fall. Summer and winter are pretty easy because I've got the air on or heat during those times.
Also, I would suggest always printing with the color stripe on. Not only does it keep everything firing, but it is also a great indicator if something all of a sudden drops out or if something is smearing or over-spraying, etc.
Go Team!