Just Me
We are definite newbies to the vinyl cutting business. Mostly we are a graphic design firm. The bulk of our vinyl business will be small (6" or smaller) vinyl decals and lettering, with some (few) larger graphics as needed. Some of it fairly intricate. Won't be doing large signs or windows any time soon. For the price ($700-$800) the masters looks like it will be a good beginning cutter for us - but give us the flexibility to cut larger if needed. We needed a cutter originally to cut thermoflex for shirts (and will still be doing that), but have found that we have a pretty wide open market for small graphics and there seems to be a need - but this is about all the money we can invest right now. I really can't afford to spend any more than the $800 - but we got to get something going and we have the orders to at least start out.
Does anyone have any experience with these machines? Or the EasySign software that comes with it? I have read good reviews by people that have them, but then in the forums they seem to get pretty trashed when people ask what to buy.Tried a used 15" roland and it didn't work out too well for us... whether it's the machine or the drivers we have not been able to get it to consistently cut correctly for us and we have no tech support. So... if this isn't a good idea (heavily leaning toward getting it as opposed to getting a used something else) can anyone tell me specifically why? Or if it's good please let me know that too. Thanks for your input!
Does anyone have any experience with these machines? Or the EasySign software that comes with it? I have read good reviews by people that have them, but then in the forums they seem to get pretty trashed when people ask what to buy.Tried a used 15" roland and it didn't work out too well for us... whether it's the machine or the drivers we have not been able to get it to consistently cut correctly for us and we have no tech support. So... if this isn't a good idea (heavily leaning toward getting it as opposed to getting a used something else) can anyone tell me specifically why? Or if it's good please let me know that too. Thanks for your input!