Hi to every one. I hope someone can help me figure out what the problem is with my printer.
I've been doing a test print everyday as usual when I get to my shop and today when I did it a yellow and a black are not sparaying at all as you can see on attached image. I did a cleaning on the hard setting a couple of times and nothing. I did more than 90 minutes all together of nozzle wash and nothing and the dampers are filled with ink. Not even one stripe was printing. I tried to print an image and I get these yellow streaks as you can see on attached image outside of the print on both sides. Is there any member on this excellent forum that can help me with this issue as to guide me what could be wrong? I hope to hear from somenoe soon. Thanks.
I've been doing a test print everyday as usual when I get to my shop and today when I did it a yellow and a black are not sparaying at all as you can see on attached image. I did a cleaning on the hard setting a couple of times and nothing. I did more than 90 minutes all together of nozzle wash and nothing and the dampers are filled with ink. Not even one stripe was printing. I tried to print an image and I get these yellow streaks as you can see on attached image outside of the print on both sides. Is there any member on this excellent forum that can help me with this issue as to guide me what could be wrong? I hope to hear from somenoe soon. Thanks.