OK people. Guess we've figured it out on our own.
We're running both a JV4-160 and 180. Both are *NOT* the Ultra models. They are also BOTH running with 4 color (CMYK), 4 print heads each.
Our ink configuration is J-teck J-eco Subly Nano on TexPrintXP.
Basically, outdated gear with non-standard media/ink.
You *CAN* use the 10.2 drivers for the JV4-160/180 Ultra, but you'll need to start completely from scratch with your media and color profiles if you are NOT running in the standard 6-head printing modes.
Pick the CMYKlclm media profiles if you are running straight CMYK. When you profile the density, you can dial back the lc and lm colors to zero. It worked for us.
Also, when you send a print job to the printer, and only operating on 4 print heads, it will kick an error 11 for a second, and then continue to print as normal. I don't know how it behaves with 6 heads.