Hello Hello!
First Post, Long time reader.
I've found that reading this forum has been 100% more helpful than any tech support I've ever talked to. So I was wondering if anyone here can help me out.
Here's what I am trying to do:
I have 2 Mimaki CG 130FX plotters running on 2 different computers. One is connected via USB to a mac with no problems, the other plotter's USB port had a pin break off so I am trying to set it up with a windows XP machine via the Serial Port. No matter what I try I cannot get it to communicate. I get one of 3 errors when I connect it and try to cut from FineCut. "Non mimaki Printer" "Make Sure the cable is connected correctly" and when put the plotter into remote mode I get the error 20 I/O message. I've tried all of the ports in the communication tab from Fine Cut as well.
Is there something simple I'm missing?
First Post, Long time reader.
I've found that reading this forum has been 100% more helpful than any tech support I've ever talked to. So I was wondering if anyone here can help me out.
Here's what I am trying to do:
I have 2 Mimaki CG 130FX plotters running on 2 different computers. One is connected via USB to a mac with no problems, the other plotter's USB port had a pin break off so I am trying to set it up with a windows XP machine via the Serial Port. No matter what I try I cannot get it to communicate. I get one of 3 errors when I connect it and try to cut from FineCut. "Non mimaki Printer" "Make Sure the cable is connected correctly" and when put the plotter into remote mode I get the error 20 I/O message. I've tried all of the ports in the communication tab from Fine Cut as well.
Is there something simple I'm missing?