Tourney Services
New Member
First of all I would like to introduce myself. My name is Ruben Rivera Just started working at a sign shop that is geared more to large format printing and got kind of thrown in to it with out much prior knowledge. I have the basics, My background is in print back in the day I used to run a small duplicator press at a franchise print shop then I started designing, manufaturing and installing signs for a small sign shop here in the Phoenix Metro area. Currently I have been working with a JV33 160 and had not had any major isues with it until we tried to print "WHITE" and I must of change something in Rasterlink Pro3 that totally threw everything off? now when I go to print gradients of any color instead of going from a shade of color to white it goes from color to a grey gradient? Does any body have an Idea of What we could have done wrong? All and any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Ruben Rivera
Tournament Services Inc.
First of all I would like to introduce myself. My name is Ruben Rivera Just started working at a sign shop that is geared more to large format printing and got kind of thrown in to it with out much prior knowledge. I have the basics, My background is in print back in the day I used to run a small duplicator press at a franchise print shop then I started designing, manufaturing and installing signs for a small sign shop here in the Phoenix Metro area. Currently I have been working with a JV33 160 and had not had any major isues with it until we tried to print "WHITE" and I must of change something in Rasterlink Pro3 that totally threw everything off? now when I go to print gradients of any color instead of going from a shade of color to white it goes from color to a grey gradient? Does any body have an Idea of What we could have done wrong? All and any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Ruben Rivera
Tournament Services Inc.