New Member
Hi I'm new in this forum and I would like ask about mounting fine art prints on 1/8''plexi using a laminator. It isn't a face mount what I'm doing but just regular mount of the back of the print to a substrate .The size of the prints are 47x60''. Yesterday I did several of those but I found in few a couple of bubble air trap between the plexi and the glue. I tried to apply more pression on the 65'' roller lamination and roll in a very low speed but still have the same problem.Last week I did the same size on 1/8 sintra with no problem. I cleaned the plexi with isopropyl alchool after take away the plexi protection paper (I read in this forum that after pill away the protection paper of the plexi it can be a residual gas from the plexi itself that can create adhesion problem)
Thank you for your help
Thank you for your help