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Need Help Mutoh 1624 “Lever Up” issue

Todd Wigington

Wrap Guy and Sons
I was having head issues with my current 1624 and so I got another Mutoh1624 from a friend who didn;t want his anymore. He thought his head was good but that they broke the lever that holds the head in the capping station a couple of months ago. Anyway I ended up buying a new head. Got it installed and ran perfect and give us perfect samples.

My initail problem was when we started it up after the new head and got the sample heads tests running it kept telling us the Print Head was out of time and that the Yellow ink was out of time. I had moved my bulk ink system over so I thought I just had reset some timers? Then like a dummy I tried to go into service mode and initialize the different items. My problem is, I know enough to be dangerous on the mechanical stuff. I have been using them for 10 years and I love them for their durability!

Anyway we thought since we were having these issues we would swap mother boards to fix, thinking, hey are old one didn't have any issues so we swapped. Well that didn’t work so we swapped them back and now I am getting that the “Lever Up” right after initialize happens. Any ideas? I have checked the sensor in Self Diagnoses mode and it says up. I can’t seem to change it. I have checked that the cable is on good as well?
Any help an ideas would be great!
Thank you in advance!