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My 24 year old Gerber envision 750 broke


New Member
Hi all, I'm over 65 and close to retiring but not quite there yet. My envision 750 has crapped out this past year (It limped along for awhile but now won't cut) and I need some kind of plotter in the 28" wide range to get me to retirement. I could try to repair this, not sure how to diagnose that (the y axis is the problem), I suspect I need a new carriage assembly for my plotter and don't want to spend $1900 for one and have it not work. How to diagnose? Are the US Cutters so lame that I would pull my hair out trying to cut vinyl graphics for signs? I'm a very low volume shop and I do have a gerber 15" plotter but I don't want to piece stuff together.
Thanks for any help.