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Need Help Setting up Roland PC 600!


New Member

Can anyone provide some help on setting up the Roland PC 600?
I am a newbie, bought machine to print and cut window decals for my business. I basically need some help setting up the Roland PC 600 on Windows XP running Corel 12 software. Need to learn some basics with this set up so I can perform some printing.
What I am looking at doing is to print basic graphics as well as photos and cut out some lettering. Also any other information and tricks / tips would be appreciated. You can email me at:


One more thing... this site is great. Keep up the good work people.



New Member
Welcome . . . Hope the PC 600 works out for you. Did you research it much before you bought it? Let's see some photos of your work when you get it going.


New Member
We use a pc-600 quite regularly and i can say one thing....good luck. This machine is not the best to use. If you use corel 12 the best bet is to print 3 color for vectors and 4 color with photos. Use "black hairline" for your cuts and set cutting to "cut by line type" Hope this helps

Mike Paul

Premium Subscriber
Have you tried Roland's forum?
You may get more replies and a quicker response there. They have a pc600 forum.