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Need Help - Strange Corel Result

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
Using Corel 8, I am importing an Illustrator 3.0 EPS file as shown in the attached image. It has two parts: A full color part on the left and a cut path on the right. The cutpath has a 1 pt black stroke and there is no fill. The cutpath is a closed loop when tested in any other application. The attached image shows the file as imported on the left and the problem on the right.

When I import or open it in Corel, using either the AI filter or the Interpreted Postscript filter, I get the same problem .... the stroked, unfilled path is broken up into unattached segments. If I modify the EPS file and give it a fill before bringing it into Corel, there is then no problem.

Since I have almost 1700 of these files that need to be brought through Corel as part of their processing into a clipart collection, I'm looking for any insight or solution to keep this cutpath as an unfilled, stroked path. Otherwise, I have to backup and give every file a fill to eliminate this problem.

Have I stumbled onto an idiosynchrasy of Corel? Or is there something I can do to prevent this from happening? I've checked Options in Corel and can find nothing that sounds like it applies.



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Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
Sure, you're welcome to experiment with it. What I'm looking for is whether or not it does it to you and if there is any setting change that can be made to keep it from happening.

I am attaching the file in as zip file.


  • pilsner.zip
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New Member
I imported the file into Corel 11 as a Postscript Interpreted EPS and got no segments.

I didn't have to do anything odd to make it happen either.


New Member
I tried the interpreted postscript filter in Corel 9 and it is all one piece when ungrouped from the color image on the left. This was imported.

When I took the unzipped file and dropped it into Corel it was in 5 pieces.


Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
geb said:
I tried the interpreted postscript filter in Corel 9 and it is all one piece when ungrouped from the color image on the left. This was imported.

When I took the unzipped file and dropped it into Corel it was in 5 pieces.


That's interesting George. The color art is grouped and the cutpath is not nor is it grouped to the color part. So you're saying it came into Corel 9 all grouped together?

When you dropped it into Corel, what were the five pieces? The color art and four segments of the cutpath?


New Member
I just went to file open and changed the type of file to open. Corel 12. Worked fine.


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New Member
When I grab and drop into Corel, I have to ungroup the image, the colored and unfilled are together when selected. When ungrouped, I click on the right unfilled glass and get 5 pieces(attached photo). Keep in mind they are in the same shape as the glass, but I moved them apart to show 5 broken images.

When I import, I have to ungroup both images, when I do, the glass on the right is all one piece.



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dennis j

New Member
Fred I get the same results as George it doesn't matter if I open the file or import it although when I import the file the outline looks ok until I ungroup then it is segmented. I am using Corel 12.

We have been having this trouble when exporting from Flexi and importing to Corel for our Laser. I was begining to think that Flexi was the problem we can not import an ai file exported from Flexi I sent some files to Flexi tech support they think the problem is Corel related. If I export from Flexi to ai format an then import to Omega take that file export to ai Corel can then import the file but it is usually segmented. :help:

Scott Reynolds

New Member
I know this is a little off the point, but I opened AND imported it in to Flexi Pro and no problem. Everything opened grouped, and after ungrouping, the cutpath is in one piece. Its stoke width is set at .010 though.

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
Well it's important for me to get to the bottom of it because a significant number of customers for the clipart collection will be planning on using it in Corel.

To address some of the comments here:

Most sign making applications, including Omega and Flexi, look for open shapes and automatically close them ... thus resolving the problem where they are concerned. Corel doesn't evidently do this and doesn't appear to have a way to do it.

On export/import issues, it may surprise many here to know that an EPS export out of Corel when imported back into Corel will result in an error stating that the file is not a valid PostScript file. The same thing will happen with FlexiSign. In each case, a different set of rules is being used to make the file and to read the file. Illustrator will oen these same export without a problem and both Corel and Flexi will open an Illustrator saved EPS. So, obviously, we master our files using Adobe Illustrator.

The problem, judging from the replies, is mostly repeatable so it probably isn't related to Windows or Corel versions and is probably a quirk of CorelDraw. It is also, evidently related to the shape being an unfilled, stroked shape because the problem appears to be eliminated by switching that arrangement to a filled, unstroked shape.

Any additional feedback is welcome. Thanks for the input so far.


New Member
Definately Corel! It' just as you explain Fred and it's a common problem as I have experienced this same problem with many collections. The problem is derived from converting elements to objects. It's the same problem we've been discussing in other threads. It is this very reason that I will be making a conversion to another software package soon, the time wasted could be better spent on other projects.