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New Member
Greetings everyone. I am new here and hopefully posting in the right place. Thank you all for such a great forum, I've already learned much from reading the other posts.
Just getting started with our first uv printer, a used Mimaki ucjv300. Previous owner only ran it occasionally, and stopped running it about 14-18 months ago. I want to be careful going about refurbishing it back to life and not cause damage to possibly dried up ink logged components, especially the heads if they can be saved. Looking for guidance on best course of action and put together a game plan of how to sequentially go over all critical areas of the machine and get it cleaned out of any solidifed inks before trying to run it. Do you think ink would have hardened in critical components and the head beyond rescue in that much time, or do you guys have experience in reviving a machine that has been sitting that long.
I appreciate any help and guidance you can give to point me toward the best steps to accomplish this.
Thank you!