First off, if i understand you correctly, printed thermal resins should never be allowed to make contact for any length of time with themselves such as stacking them face to face. They have an affinity for their own surfaces and stick to eachother quite readily.
Secondly, static cling is one of the more problematic materials to print onto and handle later. We started a fresh roll of cling recently that was a trusted brand but not what we had been using previously with our Edge. We immediately had a problem with it not wanting to feed smoothly under the surface wipers of our Edge and were only able to do a workaround by temporarily putting transfer tape on the wipers to reduce the friction.
Finally, we have found with any static cling, the tendency for the unprinted cling to have the same affinity for thermal resins as mentioned in point #1. So we are always careful not to allow the cling to be in contact with freshly printed areas.
In general, you will have no problem if you just stack your prints on the release liner all facing in the same direction.