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Pixelated view of image in Onyx 12.1 job editor


New Member
As you can see all my proofs in job editor are horrible and not legible. Any way to fix this or atleast improve it?


  • ScreenHunter_51 Jan. 23 16.42.jpg
    ScreenHunter_51 Jan. 23 16.42.jpg
    20.3 KB · Views: 369


New Member
This is very bad image. You need to have a good image.

Thats what i am saying. The image is better quality than most deal with...
The screenshot is a vector design done out of illustrator. Why is it pixilated. There is no reason for it to be pixelated. Just to show my point i can do the same thing with a 720 dpi file and get the same view in job editor?

Here is another screen shot. One is the file out of illustrator and all vectors. The other is a 720 DPI file?


  • ScreenHunter_52 Jan. 25 11.08.png
    ScreenHunter_52 Jan. 25 11.08.png
    11.1 KB · Views: 306
  • ScreenHunter_51 Jan. 25 11.08.png
    ScreenHunter_51 Jan. 25 11.08.png
    23.3 KB · Views: 281


Active Member
Does changing quality of the profile fix it? I find mine is always pixelated when it opens. But if you change it to say high quality (Or even low quality) print mode, then back, it fixes and looks good. I always figured it's so it doesnt take forever to show you a preview - However as others said, it makes sense theres an option to change it so the previews are high quality. I'd try changing print mode and regenerating preview first, it's usually what I do.


I has been awhile since I have been in front of Onyx, but I recall being able to make the preview high res by double clicking the magnifying glass icon or one that is next to it.

Christian @ 2CT Media

Active Member
Under workflow in Advanced settings on edit quickset, there is a option to automatically generate a proof. That should display a High Quality Image in the preview.