Andy-D . Im curious to what settings you use in Find My Font. I have been trying to figure out like Percentage etc in settings to get the best search when using this,I have had Find My Font for a few months and havent been able to find any tips etc anywhere,,Thank you .If you could screen shot that would be great.
I don't think I really modified any of the settings, the only thing I did was to "show" the program
where to find the huge font list that we have on our server.
I find that searching for just one of the most distinctive letter is much faster and more accurate, too many letters
and it bogs down and tends to get confused, plus some designers tend to mix fonts, even in the same word.
If the first letter doesn't work, it may have been modified by the designer, so I move on to the next distinctive letter.
I type the whole word in "text to be displayed" lower left & start with the highest %
and scroll down via the down arrow, about half the time the right font is lower on the list.
Does this help?