Dawns Vinyl Designs
Hello gang!
Customer comes in for some 8" square numbers for his quarter midget racer. He asks about color options and I give him a selector guide.
He picks a holograpghic silver from FDC, Vinylflex. He want an outline around the numbers. I already explained the super short durability but he tells me it doesn't matter as he repaints every year.
To my question: has anyone ever printed eco sol on thhis material? My initial intention is to layer but I thought I would ask. End product will be laminated.
Thanks in advance!
Customer comes in for some 8" square numbers for his quarter midget racer. He asks about color options and I give him a selector guide.
He picks a holograpghic silver from FDC, Vinylflex. He want an outline around the numbers. I already explained the super short durability but he tells me it doesn't matter as he repaints every year.
To my question: has anyone ever printed eco sol on thhis material? My initial intention is to layer but I thought I would ask. End product will be laminated.
Thanks in advance!