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Need Help Printing Problems HP Latex 365 HELP!!!!!

For the love of little sweet baby Jesus and all that is holy can someone please help!?

Our printer decided, as of yesterday, that is was going to print random bands on everything.

Now, before you say it's banding, let me clarify. It doesn't go all the way across, just in random places, there's no pattern and if you cancel and try to reprint exactly the same thing. The band marks are in completely different spots, so it's not in the artwork.

We've cleaned, calibrated, replaced, and turned off everything. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I have a trailer wrap that I need to get done by tomorrow evening and I can't even get the dang thing printed. :(:(:(



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Active Member
If you've truly done all that, only thing left is to try printing something else. Does it still happen with different artwork? Have you tried using a different profile with different passes?
If you've truly done all that, only thing left is to try printing something else. Does it still happen with different artwork? Have you tried using a different profile with different passes?
We have tried to print a few different things and it still does it. Same with different print profiles too. we've changes the passes and even did the color strip on the side too.

Joe House

Sign Equipment Technician
By everything, do you include replacing print heads and cartridges and maintenance assembly in that list?


New Member
We had something similar but the lines weren't as rectangular. Have you tried cleaning the encoder sensor?

I cleaned ours and it fixed it for a bit, but a couple months later we had to replace the encoder strip and sensor.


Very Active Signmaker
Data cable? Those errors look too square to be anything other then some sort of data transmission problem. You replaced network or USB cables?


New Member
this is 100% a communication issue, data cable.. network cable.. something on the circuit board. Could be a lot of things - get a Tech in there so you're up and running again.


Very Active Signmaker
You have not tried everything.. Trying everything means you buy a new printer, new computer and start a new file, and probably replace the person doing it....THATS TRYING EVERYTHING
It does seem like a tech call is in order -- hopefully your Customer is understanding and can wait. My thought is the contacts in the carriage are making marginal contact and needed to be gently cleaned off. Perhaps there is one more thing to try: print a file with blocks of CMYK with ICC off so you get pure colors. Do the 'bars' only appear in the Black or also other colors? Clean the contacts for the printheads that are dropping out.

Kaitlin Boisvert

New Member
Try cleaning the sensors where the print heads are. Looks like a data communication issue and the print heads aren't firing when they're supposed to.
It does seem like a tech call is in order -- hopefully your Customer is understanding and can wait. My thought is the contacts in the carriage are making marginal contact and needed to be gently cleaned off. Perhaps there is one more thing to try: print a file with blocks of CMYK with ICC off so you get pure colors. Do the 'bars' only appear in the Black or also other colors? Clean the contacts for the printheads that are dropping out.

We did clean all the printheads and replaced them.

we now have a tech here, and he said he has never seen this before!! that felt warm and fuzzy! haha he called another tech guy and nothing! they are also confused! he ordered more part and will be back Monday.
We did clean all the printheads and replaced them.

we now have a tech here, and he said he has never seen this before!! that felt warm and fuzzy! haha he called another tech guy and nothing! they are also confused! he ordered more part and will be back Monday.

You didn't clean the contacts in the Carriage, unless I have misunderstood your posts. Did they find that just a Black printhead drops out or are more colors affected? Anyway, hopefully the techs can sort out the communication issue quickly.
You didn't clean the contacts in the Carriage, unless I have misunderstood your posts. Did they find that just a Black printhead drops out or are more colors affected? Anyway, hopefully the techs can sort out the communication issue quickly.
Actually, the tech that was here did, he checked for problems in the lines and changed out the encoder strip. quite a few boxes came yesterday, one is pretty big. I'm expecting to have almost an entirely new printer after he gets all the parts in it. :p:D;) haha
Well- tech here for day 2 and still not fixed! we are not a level 3 ticket (whatever that means!)

on a side note! ( it is also doing it on the internal prints)

they tried blaming it on the rip software, UNTIL they did internal prints!!

I suggested HP to take my machine in for research and development just send me a new one! ;):)

just keeping anyone updated.
it is Thursday 5pm, no tech show, I called and harassed HP, they told me they are trying to get a game plan together! :(..... almost week 2 without printer.

I will be needing some prints done, anyone want to help a girlfriend out!!!??????? I called some of my local competition, and they are pricing me sky high!!!!!