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Question Rasterlink 5 or 6 for UJF-3042?


Deficiency Debugger
I'm bowing to the superior knowledge of the brains on here... :cool:

For the original UJF-3042 Mk1 printer, I don't believe Rasterlink 7 will work with it, and have read some disparaging comments about RL6, although they may be just from experienced people who found the UI differences too great to handle, so the question is, from a new-user usability perspective, would RL6 be a better option over RL5 Pro IP ?

Ideally would like to be able to properly build various media profiles for the printer too (i1Profiler Publish with i1Pro3) but I understand there's no simple (built-in) way to linearise and ink-limit the printer without Mimaki's proprietary software (profile master)??

Finally, and only asking given the printer age and as I understand quite a few Mimaki users don't use the supplied Rasterlink, instead have invested in third party RIPs with their devices, does anyone have an unused/old licence that may be available to acquire please?


Man who touches printers inappropriately.
I'd go with 6, but that's probably because I have bad luck with 5 running well on modern systems.

Forty One

Make signs they said... It'll be fun they said...
You can always use 5 and if you want to experience 6, upgrade for free.
But reallistically, you only really use 2 or 3 profiles overall.

And you are correct. RL7 does not support these models of UJF. It doesn't like the USB interface.... It's mimaki's way of saying "Just buy a new machine"... (insert multiple grumbles and profanity I have with Mimakli tech support).

You can download RL from the Mimaki website. I believe it's ok use for a trial period and if you are somewhat familair creating virtual desktop computers....
But keep looking over this forum. You'll find someone with an outdated RL serial.