Ghost Prophet
New Member
I'm printing 2 pretty large banners side by side and as a result it takes an incredibly long time to RIP in Production Manager. Every once in a while a CPSI error comes up and the RIPing process stops about half way through. I did some reading about it and discovered harddrive space and memory could play a role. So I tried reducing the size of one of the bitmap images in the banner and hey it worked, but now I am having the problem again with the same file, so I added another 1gb of memory and still no go.
Any suggestions?
Edit: Side note: point of printing them side by side was to try and save some material but I'm gonna go ahead and waste some since I need to get this job out today. Yay
Any suggestions?
Edit: Side note: point of printing them side by side was to try and save some material but I'm gonna go ahead and waste some since I need to get this job out today. Yay
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