New Member
I have ancient versions of Flexi-Pro running (5.7 and 6.6) on an equally old Mac beige G3...i'm trying to run a Roland CJ-500 printer/plotter. The CJ-500 has been sitting for a few years, it powers up fine does test cuts...has ink supply. Test prints thru the Roland units' menu don't completely print, either, i did a few "powerful" cleaning sessions with it. Anyway, I would like to use this as a plotter so i can send my workhorse Summa T-750 back to Summa for service. I presently have the Summa running thru a modem port/serial cable and the Roland hooked up thru the Parallel/printer cable/port. The Summa plotter works fine thru the production manager but the Roland doesn't seem to "do anything", the poll size command doesn't work and yes, the setup menu in the production manager is set to Roland CJ-500/printer port. Any other settings like handshake/baud rates/whatever else i left those settings alone. Any suggestions or where to start? I wanted to get it communicating with the Roland first THEN figure out what hard parts i need to get the printer to work. And i'm not ready to convert it to solvent yet. I'd like to get it working like it was originally before i start a whole new set of problems. Last thing...does anyone know if you can hook one of these to a Mac G4 tower? Perhaps using a parallel/USB adapter and a later version of Flexi? Thanks in advance.