I'm no expert but I have fixed a few of ours before. I believe roland has an automatic system that turns on every few hours to pull ink through the head to avoid that. As long as secondary power is on. If you turn off the secondary power then every day is another dead pixel. For reference, one of our newer employees had turned off the printer and we left for the weekend. When we returned, we had lost about 1/8 of the cyan on the head with some pretty serious banding. Thats after two days.
Short answer: Keep it plugged in and maintain secondary power, keep it there as long as you like but youll probably have to change the ink because it would get used up in the cleaning cycles over time.
If you plan to take it off power all together then the head will be destroyed in a few weeks time unless you flush the lines.
Ink consumption isnt much, there are three clean types on that model i belive,
1: head
2: head + lines
3: head + lines + cartridge
The cleaning cycles only go for the first one.
You can set your clean cycle intervals longer to extend the lifetime of the cartridges but you would hvae to balance that on how much is it really worth if you have a head that doesnt last as long because its full of clogged nozels.