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System error: 8373-F43C-0000, Latex 700W


New Member
I'm having some real issues as of lately with our HP Latex 700W. Whenever we try to print anything the fans spins up, but almost immediately the printer halts with a "System error: 8373-F43C-0000" in the display with "Restart the printer. If the problem persists, call support."

I had this issue over a year ago, were it was solved by removing a profile for the substrate we're using and then reinstalling it.

However this time I've removed all substates, reinstalled the firmware, downgraded firmware, upgraded firmware, factory reset.

Our technician I've spoken with over the phone is probably going to have to escalate the matter further to HP.

Anyone else experiencing this issue, or have in the past?


Problem Solver
I can't imagine much else than your HDD going bad or just a strange firmware error.
Does it also do it with the test image (HP Control Print) from the printer display, with generic profile?


New Member
I'm not sure were to find the test image you mentioned, but I just tried print head status plot with generic self adhesive and not even that worked.
I will mention the HDD (If I don't remember incorrect, it probably even has a SSD) to my technician.


New Member
Thought I’d to leave an update, if anyone else face this issue. Our technician gave me a list of diagnostic tests to run. If all tests passed, HP said that it was probably a faulty HDD.

One test included the removal of all substrates except the default ones. This test “semi” failed, as it did what it was supposed to, but threw a new system error.

HP recommended to replace the HDD.

After I replaced the HDD, 8 of the 10 printheads were not detected. After reinserting them, the printer prepared them as usual for about 2 and a half minutes and then cancelled the replacement by itself.

Every second attempt to prepare the printheads gave a 8112-F9F0-0000 system error.

We returned these results to HP support, who then directly concluded that this was a memory issue..

All in all this eventually led up to replacing the formatter pca (a.k.a motherboard a.k.a expensive).

After replacing the motherboard all seems well so far and hopefully this issue is finally solved.

My conclusion is that these issues are most probably caused by the formatter pca, since replacing the HDD just replaced the initial system errors with new ones.