So at the end of the year you don't count all your vinyl rolls as inventory?
You may not have to. The IRS does not require businesses that have annual gross receipts of under $1 million average for the last 3 years. If you're a small shop, you just record it as materials (COGS) when you buy it and that's it.
IRS Publication 334 (sorry for the formatting, click the link to read yourself)
Generally, if you produce, purchase, or sell merchandisein your business, you must keep an inventory and use theaccrual method for purchases and sales of merchandise.However, the following taxpayers can use the cashmethod of accounting even if they produce, purchase, orsell merchandise. These taxpayers can also account forinventoriable items as materials and supplies that are notincidental (discussed later).1. A qualifying taxpayer under Revenue Procedure2001-10 in Internal Revenue Bulletin 2001-2.2. A qualifying small business taxpayer under RevenueProcedure 2002-28 in Internal Revenue Bulletin2002-18.Qualifying taxpayer. You are a qualifying taxpayer if:Your average annual gross receipts for each prior taxyear ending on or after December 17, 1998, is $1 millionor less. (Your average annual gross receipts for a tax year is figured by adding the gross receipts for thattax year and the 2 preceding tax years and dividing by3.)Your business is not a tax shelter, as defined undersection 448(d)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.Qualifying small business taxpayer. You are a qualifyingsmall business taxpayer if:Your average annual gross receipts for each prior taxyear ending on or after December 31, 2000, is morethan $1 million but not more than $10 million. (Youraverage annual gross receipts for a tax year is figuredby adding the gross receipts for that tax year and the 2preceding tax years and dividing the total by 3.)You are not prohibited from using the cash methodunder section 448 of the Internal Revenue Code.Your principal business activity is an eligible business(described in Publication 538 and Revenue Procedure2002-28).