There's an easy way around that. Set up your own phone system. 3CX software (free version of 3CX supports up to 16 simultaneous calls) which you can host in-house or on a cheap droplet at Digital Ocean. (It will take a week or two for your SysAdmin to get it set up for you,. and to buy a couple of compatible phones. I recommend YeaLink. Windows software and/or phone apps work fine too, but I like hardware-based phones). Enable call queues with music on hold. (sounds very professional by the way). "Please hold on while we connect your call to the sales department". Leave them in queue for 15 seconds BEFORE letting it ring any of your phones and/or use voice prompts (press 2 for sales, etc). Most robo-dialers and spammers will hang up as soon as they hear a recording. This WILL cut down your incoming spam by 99%. Oh, and you can enable automatic call recording. Very handy!!! I set this up a year ago using 3CX + Twilio (I'm a part-time SysAdmin). Works great! And it's the cheapest commercial phone system you'll ever have. I think my bill for all of last year (hosting+voip provider+backups) cost about $15/mo. Been great ever since!I'm sick of the constant "update your google listing" and credit card processing fee calls. Some of those credit card people have some clever tricks to getting you to stay on the phone
Here is today's gem. Its not exactly a money seeking scam, but we get plenty of those too. That Nigerian oil prince just keeps on trying to give us money.
It didn't trigger my multiple layers of anti-malware or anti-virus protection, but I'm sure if I opened either of the attachments, we'd have trouble.