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Tiny white dots in blue and black parts of the print


Hi i really hope some one came across this issue

Recently i started to get white small dots in random areas of the print , but only in the black or blue areas of the print. At first i thought it was the material , but after testing other rolls its very clear now this is printer issue.

This is not a fish eye issue i cleaned the area of dust and made sure to clean the whole printer, rollers etc. I have researched this online but i haven't found a good answer.

I also did a good manual cleaning which seemed to fix the issue temporally also normal printer cleaning seems to reduce it. I attached few photos .


printer is roland vp 300
orajet 3551 RA vinyl


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New Member
Hi i really hope some one came across this issue

Recently i started to get white small dots in random areas of the print , but only in the black or blue areas of the print. At first i thought it was the material , but after testing other rolls its very clear now this is printer issue.

This is not a fish eye issue i cleaned the area of dust and made sure to clean the whole printer, rollers etc. I have researched this online but i haven't found a good answer.

I also did a good manual cleaning which seemed to fix the issue temporally also normal printer cleaning seems to reduce it. I attached few photos .


printer is roland vp 300
orajet 3551 RA vinyl

hello Shadi
i have same problem
did you solve this?


Wide format trainer and creative enthusiast
Weird...but also hard to see in any detail from the photos.
There wouldn't really be any reason that a printer would print fine everywhere else and then randomly decide not to print small dots in certain colours. Have you tried cleaning the encoder strip?
Updated all firmware etc?


New Member
Weird...but also hard to see in any detail from the photos.
There wouldn't really be any reason that a printer would print fine everywhere else and then randomly decide not to print small dots in certain colours. Have you tried cleaning the encoder strip?
Updated all firmware etc?

Actually i changed my ink into no brand Chinease one ,white dot are different when i print same image, encoder strip is clean i think. do you think this is happen because of ink?


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Wide format trainer and creative enthusiast
cheap ink can lead to cheap results :rolleyes:
But could still be a media issue.


New Member
interesting, in a lot of the colours that show the white dots are made up of several colours so two or more heads have to have the fault at the same time - place. if interference or loose cables then i would have thought the dots to have one of the make up colours in it.

so probably back to media - ink combination but you say tried others, my last guess is static.
extra thought is it the same with vector or bitmap images., a corrupted bit map my do this ?


New Member
interesting, in a lot of the colours that show the white dots are made up of several colours so two or more heads have to have the fault at the same time - place. if interference or loose cables then i would have thought the dots to have one of the make up colours in it.

so probably back to media - ink combination but you say tried others, my last guess is static.
extra thought is it the same with vector or bitmap images., a corrupted bit map my do this ?

Dear Woolly i couldn't understand what you said, :(
this ink has very powerful colors and and i tested on my Epson GS6000 before, and now white dot are exist in Mutoh VJ-1324x when i change UMS ink to this one. other color doted with this ink is a little bit larger than UMS ink.
i have this white dot on every media i tested but white dot is still exist.


New Member
you have to think how the colours are made.
to print black may have 4 colours on top of one another not just the black ink so to have a random hole all the heads have to told not to print at that spot, comes back to the media rejecting the ink at that random spot only. normally shows as fish eyes
seen it happen eg. some one sneezes in the print room every roll of media in the room could be contaminated and would look similar to this fault but a couple of feet further in to the roll being fine from there on. other examples fly spray, spray polish.etc.
still thinking static have a look with a good magnifying glass try and see whats happening.


wow 6 month later this thread gets some action . I just upgraded to a Roland 540vsi.

I did fix the issue thou, it wasn't the media, static or a dust issue. I did notice the test print for blue was not perfect so i did another manual cleaning and then i did a powerfull cleaning and the problem went away never came back. It must of been few clogged nozzles .

I got say in the 8 years i had my roland vp 300, i only did powerful cleaning few times and it always fixed the issues i had. Its a last resort before you call a tech.


New Member
you have to think how the colours are made.
to print black may have 4 colours on top of one another not just the black ink so to have a random hole all the heads have to told not to print at that spot, comes back to the media rejecting the ink at that random spot only. normally shows as fish eyes
seen it happen eg. some one sneezes in the print room every roll of media in the room could be contaminated and would look similar to this fault but a couple of feet further in to the roll being fine from there on. other examples fly spray, spray polish.etc.
still thinking static have a look with a good magnifying glass try and see whats happening.

oh i understand,you think this kind of ink maybe reject in some spot when ink drop to media? due your comment black is made of 4 colors and drop on media why dots are white? during this thing dots may be have some another color, not white

i don't think this problem happened because of Media, because i have 12 printer in my print house and rest of them with another ink have no problem like this, this is my first Mutoh machine that i used "no brand" ink in there and today in compare of other printer i see some noise in printing.
i use media in another printer without problem and bring this media in this printer i have problem!
before this i tested this ink in one of my Epson GS6000 and i had no problem.
even i make a profile again for this ink in this printer but problem is still exist:(


New Member
wow 6 month later this thread gets some action . I just upgraded to a Roland 540vsi.

I did fix the issue thou, it wasn't the media, static or a dust issue. I did notice the test print for blue was not perfect so i did another manual cleaning and then i did a powerfull cleaning and the problem went away never came back. It must of been few clogged nozzles .

I got say in the 8 years i had my roland vp 300, i only did powerful cleaning few times and it always fixed the issues i had. Its a last resort before you call a tech.

but my nozzle check is OK. all nozzles are open. did you have problem in nozzle check in your printer?


Nope i didn't get that far. But the problem i had with my roland vp is not the same as your problem, your white dots are all over the place and there smaller . Mine where a bit bigger and only on blue / black. Also were using different printers . But i do know it could be the ink just because you had no problem with the ink on the epson doesn't mean you wont have it on the mutoh. If the printer was working fine before you switched the ink then its the ink for sure. Your mutoh could be having an allergic reaction .


New Member
Nope i didn't get that far. But the problem i had with my roland vp is not the same as your problem, your white dots are all over the place and there smaller . Mine where a bit bigger and only on blue / black. Also were using different printers . But i do know it could be the ink just because you had no problem with the ink on the epson doesn't mean you wont have it on the mutoh. If the printer was working fine before you switched the ink then its the ink for sure. Your mutoh could be having an allergic reaction .
i have never heard anything about allergic reaction up to now, i should research about it, thank you