I'm not unfamiliar with your machine however the roller seems to carry over across to various models.
Take a look at these on ebay.
[URL="Pinch Rollers 4x11x16"]http://www.ebay.com/itm/160593123560?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649#ht_604wt_827[/URL]
Get a caliper and measure yours.
My Graphtec pinch roller has an axle size of 3.96mm, a width of 10.56mm, and a roller diameter of 15.06mm
I just bought these a couple of weeks ago for my Graphtec JX1060.
The inside axle is about .04in oversize but it worked just fine. And there is plenty of clearance for the 16mm diameter.
Ooops! Sorry, didn't mean to bump an old post. I didn't notice it was from 2010 'til I posted reply.