I changed out the stirring pump on our UJF-7151, but now the pump isn't working on sleep circulation.
On sleep circulation, the machine turns on, it hums for about 30 seconds, then it turns off. The stirring pump is never activated or turns on. I can manually turn the pump motor and see the pump spindle rotate. The pump works great during testing (Menu > #Test > Ageing > Stirring Pump).
Do I need to run a test after installing a new stirring pump? Maybe there is air in the lines (and I did use pinch clamps on the ink lines)? If that is the problem, how do I resolve it?
Thank you for any help!
On sleep circulation, the machine turns on, it hums for about 30 seconds, then it turns off. The stirring pump is never activated or turns on. I can manually turn the pump motor and see the pump spindle rotate. The pump works great during testing (Menu > #Test > Ageing > Stirring Pump).
Do I need to run a test after installing a new stirring pump? Maybe there is air in the lines (and I did use pinch clamps on the ink lines)? If that is the problem, how do I resolve it?
Thank you for any help!