That's not a common issue or design flaw expectation like with the HP Latex's. I would start by chasing down the usual culprits and testing. Test different materials, repeated prints, look with a loupe, define true laydown issue, check rip, check files, check hardware, etc. A loupe and careful analysis of what your true output results are should tell you where to go next.
The blank space in your samples all appear to be a different color? If they are and shouldn't be, check the white space with a loupe, the white space in your rip, the white space in print PDFs, and the white space in your design files.
Color space differences in the output files or rip settings will also commonly do this. What rip are you running? Checking rip input vs output is often not properly analyzed.
Those printers can sometimes have tile matching issues when they run short on ink, but that doesn't look like whats going on in your picture.