ATV graphics are kind of a niche market, and most of the big players in the game are extremely protective of their templates. Most of them have invested in a large format scanner, so they can create their own template by mocking up and scanning paper shapes. There are hours of labor involved in creating and refining a new template, and the good ones are generally a trade secret. I race quads, and I’ve had graphics kits ranging from super high quality to ill fitting garbage. The bad ones have all been based on the templates that are publicly available for my Suzuki LTR-450. The nice ones have all been based on templates unique to the shop that did them.
Yeah, I know a lot of the dedicated shops setup online have been making their own templates, been there, done that....... But I was hoping to find another source. I maybe do 5 ATV/UTVs each year is all, but get asked for a price via FB messenger practically every month.
Just trying to get an answer to a client a couple hours away for whiting out an entire UTV, so swinging it by the shop to get some measurements is not happening.....
The only place I found online offering some templates, not that I know how accurate they might be, does not have the UTV model I need currently.
but a quick search online found a handful of the pre-designed "custom" wrap kits for the model.......... I might just mimic their cost and add on several hours of just install time, hope that I can order their kit unprinted.