They both sell them on Ebay. I can say that we have never bought from Ordway (only because of their location) but I can also say that we have spoken to them on numerous occasions and I would not have any issues dealing with them - they seem like very decent people.
The Graphicut should be a GCC plotter (don't hold me to it), which they had changed to black, because they were showing up everywhere. If you were not in the way up in the "hills" (LOL), our vendor could handle it, but since you are up there, these guys should be able to get you quick shipping and service.
Just FYI, they will talk to you and answer 1,000,001 questions without hesitation, and tell you the truth (like it or not). If you go to that extent, trust me on this, just buy it from them - they reward loyalty - the old fashioned way (unlike some of these "volume" places).