Looking for suggestions. I have a friend in the trucking buisness needing some vinyl work on 30 trailers. 99% of the stuff I do is done on Avery 1105/1360. In this instance I think that may be overkill. There are 2 logos (rectangles) 36"x60" and some lettering for identification in 5 places. These logos will go across 4 vertical ribs with rivets. So the vinyl will have to have some conformability to it. The cut vinyl is pretty simple but what would you all suggest for the larger logos? Needs to have some longevity too it also and especially since this is a friend and a potential long term client with alot of available work. I dont want to short change them on the product but I dont think the 1105/1360 is the best option. But I could be wrong. Thanks in advance.