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Wet installed laminated perf - customer unhappy


New Member
Hey guys,

I've spent some time searching with no luck...

I outsourced an installation to another city for some window perf that was installed wet. The perf is laminated and the customer is very unhappy that after four days there is still a lot of water behind the laminate, causing it to look pretty bad.

They've asked me for some ideas to get rid of the water, and beyond a bit of heat and squeegee time, I'm at a loss. Of course my subcontracted installer isn't able to return for a number of days to work on it any further.



New Member
why would any semi-experienced installer try to install that wet???
I don't think that water will ever come out of there and my best guess is it will have to be a complete redo if ya wanna make it right.


New Member
I appreciate that this should have been competed dry, but it wasn't and I'm on the hook for a replacement set of panels in the event that we can't get this sorted as it was installed...



New Member
it will always be cloudy if applied wet
print again and redu
never apply lam perf wet, now you know
if you trust the installer (which im not sure you have a reason too) see if he would remove and install dry for free. Since ultimately it was his error.


Active Member
it will always be cloudy if applied wet
print again and redu
never apply lam perf wet, now you know
if you trust the installer (which im not sure you have a reason too) see if he would remove and install dry for free. Since ultimately it was his error.



New Member
Who is telling everyone to install perf. wet? Where are they getting this from?

I'm a start a new one...Vasoline works the absolute BEST for vinyl installs! 100% Guaranteed not to have bubbles! You heard it here first people.

Mike F

New Member
I appreciate that this should have been competed dry, but it wasn't and I'm on the hook for a replacement set of panels in the event that we can't get this sorted as it was installed...


You're pretty much beat, either you or the installer are gonna have to eat the cost of reprinting and reinstalling. Installer should really be the one paying for it, and after a mistake like that I'd get a different installer to do the job correctly.


New Member
Problem solved. I sent the photos to the installer and he fortunately stood up to the plate and agreed it looked horrible. I'll replace the panels and he'll do the install. Relationship remains good, which is important. Lots of jerks out there in this business!


New Member
It's not that it was screwed up, it's how it was fixed that counts.
Good that they stepped up, but how on earth did they wet install laminated perf?
you only do that once to know...so I guess this was his first.


New Member
you only do that once to know...so I guess this was his first.

That's the reason why places like this forum are so important for the industry and especially newbies like me, you learn from others mistakes and save money, and most importantly for me, you don't look like a looser when installing something for the first time.


New Member
..and you should install 3M Frosted completely dry.

nope, have done it wet and dry. I was mounting to acrylic and was getting thousands of bubbles (no idea why), went wet and solved it.

See the rules are only guides, but you have to know when and how you can break them.


New Member
so no one will admit to installing wet?? I admit to installing wet perf, when its 110 in TN and the window is so hot I dont want to touch it. I havent had a complaint yet but then some can say its not really "wet" its more of a mist to cool the window and probably evaporates once touched. Plus it all goes back to how you squeegee.


Wet installed lanminated perf??? Just, wow I mean that even goes beyond noobie installer to me. Plain common sense would dictate that all those little sealed holes full of liquid will equal utter failure. Yeah the only resolution is to really chew that installer up, reprint and replace the graphics.

Mike Paul

Premium Subscriber
I poke each and every hole with a 3M air release tool to remove the fluid from the laminate then heat it and seal it.
I'm very fast :supersmilie:


New Member
Hey guys,

I've spent some time searching with no luck...

I outsourced an installation to another city for some window perf that was installed wet. The perf is laminated and the customer is very unhappy that after four days there is still a lot of water behind the laminate, causing it to look pretty bad.

They've asked me for some ideas to get rid of the water, and beyond a bit of heat and squeegee time, I'm at a loss. Of course my subcontracted installer isn't able to return for a number of days to work on it any further.


.......wow... a complete fail,........I don't think I'd even summon the courage to share this.... school of hard knocks I guess......re-do ASAP!!



New Member
redo and the installer should pay for the cost of the new materials. thats industry standard behavior. his fault, he destroyed your materials.