John Butto
New Member
Ronan Ron-Tech DTM Industrial Enamel /water base
Ronan Industrial Speednamel / oil base
Repainting an existing metal painted background and reapplying vinyl lettering. My question is which will last longer and does the vinyl letters stick good to the water base DTM painted background. It will be sanded and a primer will be put on before topcoat. I have used the Speednamel in the past but was wondering if the other would last longer.
Ronan Industrial Speednamel / oil base
Repainting an existing metal painted background and reapplying vinyl lettering. My question is which will last longer and does the vinyl letters stick good to the water base DTM painted background. It will be sanded and a primer will be put on before topcoat. I have used the Speednamel in the past but was wondering if the other would last longer.