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WINDOWS 10 ANNIVERSARY EDITION 1607..........and the additin of the pest CORTINA!!!


New Member
HAVE A SMALL NOTEBOOK/LAPTOP 32 GIG h/d. loaded this crap on to it....ate up most of the hard drive.....had 28 gigs free before 1607, now i got 5 GIGS......FREE!!!!!
YOU GOT 10 DAYS..... to remove it.....and go bacl to version 1511...........which is what iam doing now.


New Member
1st i am a computer geek..... this NOTEBOOK/LAPTOP was bought with WINDOWS 10 on it........... the newer versions dont have the ability to turn off updates.... all you can do is set the time WHEN IT WILL DO THEM......CORTANA...... for me is useless.........and it keeps throwing pop ups it want to help me.....GO AWAY.... is the best you can do)))) iviewmax.jpg


Active Member
Im on windows 7 i didnt know you couldnt turn off windows 10 updates, lol sneaky sons of &%#$@s.

If you have auto updates on Win 7 and Win 8 past a certain point, it seems that they have removed the ability to cut off updates.

However, all versions of 10 won't allow you to turn off updates at all. Home versions won't even allow you to defer them like you can in Pro and Enterprise.

I don't know if they have switched back, but there was a deal to where Pro users had some abilities and they were taken out in the anniversary update. I don't know if they had put them back in or not. That had led to quite a stink.

I do believe that there is a 3rd party program that will block updates in Win 10. Like with all 3rd party programs (particularly of this nature) use at your own risk.

Updating a system is needed in of itself. Systems need to be patched, holes need to be plugged. Problem is, it seems like MS adds more fluff versus substance.

This is why I will not run a new Win OS installed on bare metal. VM with internet denied. To a degree, I can understand issues with updates not working well with all the components when it comes to MS updates. Think of all the hardware/software combinations that are there running Windows. Shoot, even Mac from time to time has problems and they have a much tighter grip on that. It's a mess for sure.


New Member
to make matters worse........trying to go back to 1511.......now got me locked out of the computer....going to have to to a total reinstall O/S........WIN 10 IS JUNK!!!!


New Member
GWX Control Panel is what I use and used to block w10 auto update on my win7 and 8 PC's.

I don't know if it lets me update win7 with win7 updates though.


Active Member
GWX Control Panel is what I use and used to block w10 auto update on my win7 and 8 PC's.

I don't know if it lets me update win7 with win7 updates though.

If I'm understanding OP's plight correctly, his computer already comes with Win 10. It wasn't an update to it.

One thing that I have noticed with Win 10's updates is that it sometimes will pick up slightly older drivers when it updates. Might want to check to make sure that it also hasn't done that as well.

If this is just a light use laptop and not one needed for some type of production, why not just load a Linux distro on it? It all depends on what your use is for it, but I don't see your "love" for Win 10 improving down the road.


New Member
We're running 6 PC's with Win10 at the shop, never had any issues with compatibility, crashing, driver problems, anything at all. I was hesitant to make the switch originally - did one PC as a trial. Almost immediately, I updated every other PC that was eligible.

Ilike it; it's fast, functional, and looks sleek. What else do you need? It takes about a minute to disable Cortana, and the other Behavior learning/tracking stuff. :peace!:


Active Member
We're running 6 PC's with Win10 at the shop, never had any issues with compatibility, crashing, driver problems, anything at all. I was hesitant to make the switch originally - did one PC as a trial. Almost immediately, I updated every other PC that was eligible.

Dad's was horrible. He still has compatibility problems every now again that results in waiting until his software vendors get it fixed in an update.

it's fast, functional, and looks sleek. What else do you need?

It's the culture that surrounds it that I'm not happy with. I do agree with the first 2 points, the 3rd grew on me. To the point that the Linux distro that I use looks like Win 10 on 2 of the 3 computers.

It takes about a minute to disable Cortana, and the other Behavior learning/tracking stuff. :peace!:

If you have Pro or Enterprise, it is fairly easy to disable Cortana. For those that may have Home, that would be a registry edit and how many people in the Windows world mess with the registry? Especially for those that would have the Home versions? They should have just left the toggle on/off switch were it was.

Registry is this wonderful place to make customization, but yet, people were told not to mess with the registry because it could break things.

Here is the thing that you have to worry about with auto updates, things can change, some things that aren't reversible. You might get an update that makes it hard to run on the hardware that you have. Always updating, even for what updates are meant to be for (fixing/patching etc) leads to instability, something that "you" do not want in a work environment. For the home user, not the big of a deal, but for the production environment, it's very much a big deal as that directly affects stability.


New Member
Another thing to check out on your W10 installs relating to automatic updates...If you leave this option turned on your PC becomes part of a "mesh-network" and your PC and internet connection are used to update other peoples computers. Under Settings/Update & security/Advanced Options/Choose how updates are delivered/ and then make sure the off/on toggle is set to OFF.


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New Member
WELLLLLLLLLLLL....... it didnt work taking it back to 1511 version from ANNIVERSARY EDITION 1607...... got a screen saying that i could either turn off the pc or try to fix it......AND NO OTHER WINDOW!!!!
i have the softwear from the IVIEW WHICH WILL DO A TOTAL RE-INSTALL back to basic. YES it is WINDOWS HOME edition....i use for nothing more then what most of you do with your phone....... BUT 71 YEAR old eyes........ dont see those little screens well, so i got this notebook/laptop for that. so HOME edtion is all i need.
its up and runnng.........


Active Member
If you are just using it more like we do for our phones, then just try to see about getting a Linux install.

Thing is with the Home version, you might have to deal with this for any update that comes along.


New Member
i have LINUX on another h/d and really like it.......may just wipe the WIN10 CRAP.....and do linux.....all i basically do is go to OPREA.. (my choice for browser) and do internet on it......32 gig hard drive......dont give much for any apps......i ordered a 128 GIG micro sds card for it........so i will have close to 200 gig......


Active Member
i have LINUX on another h/d and really like it.......may just wipe the WIN10 CRAP.....and do linux.....all i basically do is go to OPREA.. (my choice for browser) and do internet on it......32 gig hard drive......dont give much for any apps......i ordered a 128 GIG micro sds card for it........so i will have close to 200 gig......

See if the apps that you like are available as an AppImage so you can actually run them off a thumb drive or other external device. No installation needed. Just chmod the file(app) and run.


New Member
the only thing i cant run on linux is COREL........which is my lifelong partner(since 1992) BUT INKSCAPE is linux compatable..and iam learning it.....and liking it...
the one thing i like about the little 11.6" laptop/notebook......its a touch screen.......just like the cell phones......ONLY BIGGER))))this IVIEW is quadcore processor and the battery will go for 8 hours ........and got it on sale $149.00 was $299.00........ iviewmax.jpg


Active Member
the only thing i cant run on linux is COREL........which is my lifelong partner(since 1992) BUT INKSCAPE is linux compatable..and iam learning it.....and liking it...

Inkscape is OK. There are some things though that I don't like how it does, but it's OK.

Could always try to install WINE (if you don't use a distro that has it already installed) and see if you can get it to run with that compatibility layer. It doesn't work all the time, but worth a shot. I have gotten everything from Word 97 to Wilcom TrueSizer E3 (most recent program that I run using WINE, E3 line came out in 2013, so it is recent) to run off it using WINE.