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Windows update - anniversary edition


New Member
Just need to vent. Came in this morning, and couldnt access files on my rip computer. Go over to the pc, and it looks different. I didnt think anything of it, until i noticed Rasterlink wasnt open, and once opened it didnt see my printer. So, i uninstall printer, and try to detect again. Nope. Get a different usb cable, nope.

Look, and lo and behold, windows update installed a anniversary edition of windows last night. Ive got about 4 hours to get 300 sq ft of banner produced, and I can do nothing thanks to windows update. Im currently erolling back to a "previous build" - which windows 10 isnt telling me what that is... and crossing my fingers that things will work again. after this mess, im going back to windows 7 and never looking back. Windows 10 has been the biggest piece of junk software ever pushed onto the public. I have had nothing but problems with it. My old print server pc sat with a basic windows 7 build for 6 years and never had a single issue. I took it off of the internet and probably went years without ever rebooting it... absolute garbage.


Active Member
My dad is the only one with Win 10 on both of his computers.

From one standpoint, Win 10 isn't that bad of an OS. From another standpoint, with their policies and how they have implemented them, it is bad.

I don't expect Windows updates to be perfect. Way too many hardware and software combinations out there for it to be, but if they are going to force it on people. It better be better then this.

Only bad thing is that eventually, you'll have to upgrade or run VMs of legacy software as there will be a point that hardware for the older OSs is obsolete as well. Not to mention software, but that can be mitigated.

It has it's potential though. Just execution is lacking. A lot of people don't seem to remember this, but XP sucked in the beginning.


Active Member
I hate the way our desktops are being converted into cell phone style interfaces.

That doesn't bother me so much, as the push of going back to dummy terminals hooked up to the mainframe. That's what's got me more concerned as everything seems to be being pushed away from everything being able to be done locally.


New Member
ALL PREVIOUS OS VERSIONS HAVE SUCKED..........until they got updated.
V 3.0 was garbage till it became 3.11. 95 sucked til it became 98))) and it sucked till it became 98 SE. ME AND VISTA JUST SUCKED!!!!! nothing could help them!!!! XP was solid after 2-3 updates. 7 sucked till they did a couple upgrades 8.0 was junk till 8.1..........lets hope the anniversary edition( i will have it on my laptop......so i can see if it helps.


Active Member
ALL PREVIOUS OS VERSIONS HAVE SUCKED..........until they got updated.

Not exactly true.

I have never updated Win 98 or Win 7 from the install disc (which was when both were made available, they didn't have any updates on them) and they both run flawlessly. The irony of updates is that they are inherently unstable, no matter what. Just the nature of updates.

I agree with you on ME, but VISTA, which I have running as a VM is better then what people give it credit for.

Now if you ran it on a cheap computer, heaven help you, because it would suck then. But I much preferred Vista to XP, but I didn't like XP for other reasons, not all of which were technical, more about my preferences.

I never had a problem with 8 (also run that in a VM).

I have found, keep it in a VM, no real need for updates or keep it to where it isn't only.

I actually still have a working Win95 laptop that hasn't been upgraded once. But it hasn't hooked up to the internet since early 98.


New Member
After the rollback and updating rasterlink 6 to the newest version, i am printing again. It looks like windows is trying to force its 32 bit driver onto rasterlink. (thats what the error message I just got told me) I was worried it wouldnt work at all. So - after the update in july nuking hot folders, and subsequent fix... and now this... at least im running again. I used to be an ardent pc supporter. After all the problems I have had with windows 10 - next time I will probably suck it up and buy a Mac. Wonder how many steam games will work... lol


Active Member
After the rollback and updating rasterlink 6 to the newest version, i am printing again. It looks like windows is trying to force its 32 bit driver onto rasterlink. (thats what the error message I just got told me) I was worried it wouldnt work at all. So - after the update in july nuking hot folders, and subsequent fix... and now this... at least im running again. I used to be an ardent pc supporter. After all the problems I have had with windows 10 - next time I will probably suck it up and buy a Mac. Wonder how many steam games will work... lol

Macs are still PCs. Clever advertising on their part, but still PCs none the less.

One thing now about the rollbacks, I think they have shortened them to 10 days (irony) after an update to roll back.

If you are using Win 10 Pro, could try to set it to defer updates. I think you can defer for up to 4 months, but I could be wrong. About the best that you can do unless take it offline.


New Member
the release of an OS.......IS FULLY OPERATIONAL.......without any updates.... BUT all OS's have had UPDATES)))))corel is notorious for BETA releases.......THEN 2-3 REVISIONS...... the work perfectly. i go back to DOS 3.0, THEN 4.0 THE 5.0 THEN 5.5 THEN 6......i think there was a WINDOWS 1 & 2.......BUT DONT KNOW OF ANYONE HAVING THEM.........


Active Member
Cut window updates OFF! They are pointless

Not possible in Windows 10 unless you disconnect it from the internet (which is the best thing to do with a computer in production). Unless there is a 3rd party solution that does this, but I have separate issues with 3rd party solutions in applications like this.

Best that you can do is defer for a few months for them to work out the bugs if you have Pro or Enterprise (I think even Education as well).


Active Member
Not possible in Windows 10 unless you disconnect it from the internet (which is the best thing to do with a computer in production). Unless there is a 3rd party solution that does this, but I have separate issues with 3rd party solutions in applications like this.

Best that you can do is defer for a few months for them to work out the bugs if you have Pro or Enterprise (I think even Education as well).

can you not go under administrative tab in control panel and cut it off?


Active Member
can you not go under administrative tab in control panel and cut it off?

Fraid not. At best it's "defer" and that depends on what version you are running. Home Premium does not have that ability.

I think you can defer it up to 4 months, which hopefully, would be the right amount of time for it to have a fix for whatever bugs are in it.

I also think they changed how long you can roll back to a previous build. I think you only have 10 days now to roll back. Otherwise you are on the next build.

2 ways that I see without having to worry about using 3rd party solutions, run it in a VM without internet or have it directly installed on hardware, but not connected to internet. Which in all honesty, both of those options preclude the need to update. Also would preclude the worry about telemetry as well.

I've personally gone the VM route, but you have to make sure the computer is spec'ed out accordingly. That can help or hurt your experience.


New Member
This windows 10 BS. One of the main reason I liked pc so much was the user ability and you are in control. Unlike apple where you had to do what apple wanted. Arghhhh.

I have tried the deferment option and it works OK. I find after each update you have to go in and put it back to the no update setting.
The other day I was using my lap top to project for a mural and it went into an update such F@#kin BS.... Seriously...

I think if might just be easier to update frequently.

It's just plain BS.


Active Member
This windows 10 BS. One of the main reason I liked pc so much was the user ability and you are in control. Unlike apple where you had to do what apple wanted. Arghhhh.

Wasn't it Steve that said that a customer doesn't know what they want until you tell them?

I have tried the deferment option and it works OK. I find after each update you have to go in and put it back to the no update setting.
The other day I was using my lap top to project for a mural and it went into an update such F@#kin BS.... Seriously...

This is primarily why I firmly believe that a production rig should not be attached to the internet. Hard to do in this day and age, but this one reason why I don't believe that it should be connected to the outside world.

It's a shame really. Win 10, from when I had to use it to help with dad's upgrade whoas, isn't a bad OS. It really isn't. The issues that it does have, usually are due to certain implementations of policy. Not necessarily with the OS itself.

Windows and Mac will never directly touch hardware though on my rigs. As long as I can help it. Been running production this way for the last 3 yrs solid (did some testing of it before then) and not nary a problem.

I do not see things getting better. They might, but I just don't see it at this point in time.

The one thing that I'm really worried about is that it seems like there is a regression. It almost seems like we are going back to the ole "dummy terminal" way of doing things. Not everything would be able to be easily done in such a manner, but it does seem like more and more that's what's going on. But maybe I should take off my tin foil hat for a bit.


Active Member
Maybe an option here in the attached.

I'm not around a Win 10 machine now to test it or see if the process is labelled the same way. This is from my Win 7 VM.

Of course, use at your own risk.


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Active Member
Ok, disregard that about the service.

I had a buddy that is running Win 10 Enterprise check and you can't shut off the service.

I do not believe that there is a way within Windows 10 itself to kill the updates fully.

Probably the latest Anniversary Update helped plug a few holes.

I know some people were able to use that "metered connection" when using WiFi to prevent downloading and installing updates. I think that has been changed as well with this past update.


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