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Recent content by Ryan Casper-CamoClad

  1. Question about optimizing lines in Illustrator

    Thank you very much guys. Thatll work. Yeah I had a feeling that it had no such power tools for path editing. I been using the program for what seems like forever and never ran across anything similar. Thought I might have just overlooked something all this time. Guess I just had High Hopes. The...
  2. Question about optimizing lines in Illustrator

    In Vinyl Express there is an option to optimize a line by curve... I have forever been looking for a similar command in illustrator to more easily edit a line as well as reducing point count. Also in the same fashion a straighten line command.. Can anyone help me with this? Thank you
  3. Hey there, How is everyone

    My name is Ryan Casper, I am the Art Director and Graphic Designer for Camoclad out of Mounds, IL. I have been working here since early summer 2005. Currently I handle most all of the advertising design and cut design processes going into our decals, vehical kits, and offroad vehical kits. Well...