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Acard SCSI controller..........


New Member
I went through device manager and found the yellow exclamation next to this device......downloaded the latest software....says it's still not working properly...what in the hell is this thing anyway?...everything seems to be working o.k......could it be the plug and play slave drive that installed a few years ago because the driver was an "NT" driver and everything on this computer is fairly new.

Scott Reynolds

New Member
A SCSI controller is something that your SCSI devices plug into, aka SCSI hard drive. Before SATA drives came out, SCSI drives some of the fastest drives on the market. The controller can be a PCI card or built onto the MB. If the device manager is showing a problom but every thing is working OK, you might not have any SCSI drives in your box. But if you downloaded the newest driver and its still not workin, it could be something else. But then Im wrong most suff.... :)

Maybe you could list what this "plug and play slave drive", MB your running. Maybe this would help.



New Member
do you have any Idea as to what uses it ? is it your scanner? can you tell if its an external card or something internal ? older scanners used scsi alot. If you got drivers for it, you could always remove the thing from tha system folder where it shows the problem & see if it effects any thing
It could be causing something else in your system to be having problems. I've dealt with this before & by removing the offending driver, restarting the system & making sure it was removed then restarting again & installing the needed driver if it asked for it it seemed to find a new irq,etc & fixed itself. Kinda a pain but, I learned long ago sometimes they are.


New Member
What operating system?

If the SCSI is showing in device manager most likely you have a device that is using it! Does it have a plus sign next to it? If so click on the plus sign and see if it points you to the device. Have you removed anything form the computer (tape backup, scanner or anything else)?

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
Having SCSI (small computer standard interface) showing up would indicate that SCSI hardware is present either built into the motherboard or on a plug in card. Various devices can then connect to the SCSI port in daisy chain fashion.

Many devices were available with SCSI a few years ago. Most have been replaced by USB and Firewire.

  • Internal Hard Drives
  • Internal CD-ROM Drives
  • External CD-ROM Drives
  • Scanners
  • Iomega Zip Drives
If your hard drive(s) and/or internal CD-ROM drives are not SCSI and you have no external SCSI devices, then this may just be a matter of removing the card or disabling SCSI by accessing your CMOS/BIOS on bootup. Doing so will free up some resources and release an IRQ for something else to use.

You can verify what, if anything, is using SCSI through your Device Manager in Control Panel > System.


New Member
I'm currently using......

the future Mrs.' computer while I build mine (after a motherboard failure).....
It's a (2) year machine that she ordered from Dell.
The only modifiication was my old slave that I plug and played
into the new box. ( I know, I know...warranty void) anywho.....
the way that I stumbled on to this is trying to fix the problem of XP locking up when I shut down or restart. Hence, winding up in device manager.
The only recent additions to devices are "all-in-one" printer, scanner, etc.
and a digital camera on the front USB port. Both are working.


New Member

:Oops: :Oops:


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Scott Reynolds

New Member
Shovelhead said:
The only modifiication was my old slave that I plug and played
into the new box.
What slave? Are you talking about a 2nd hard drive pluged into the "slave" side of the hard drive cable?

Acard.com is NOT showing a driver for that card. Maybe Dell has there own driver that is bundled in the software that came with the computer.

I would crack open the box and see what is pluged into the card.

here is a link


New Member
ok windows XP on installation of software.....askes installer if you have any SCUSSI devices hit enter now....if you dont then it doesnt install this option.
if you have no SCUSSI CARD in the computer....would be SCANNER, OPTICAL DRIVE, HARD DRIVE(very unlikly if its a dell) or youre RAID is setup(whole nother set of problems)open the box up, look at all the attached cards, most will have VIDEO CARD, this is up top and connects to your monitor. MODEM, easy to figure out, phone lines connect to it. TV CARD, will have a connection on the back for cable. SOUND CARD, will have jacks for speakers out back. now if you have a SCUSi card in there it will have a male plug on the outside of computer....the size of youre printer port, but with PINS....if you dont have this and youre not running RAID, THIS COUPLES multiple hard and accesses them as one hard drive....i think.
2. call dell and ask why you have SCUSSI on this computer.
3. go into options on that device manger and make it DISABLED. if your computer works ok this way you can go back and delete it or just leave it disabled.

Scott Reynolds

New Member
Before you go and disable anything, look at the card and make sure nothing is pluged into it.


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New Member
I think I will just....

disable it since everything is fine other than XP not shutting down properly.
I have a female back there.


New Member
This is another post........

LvDecals said:
Before you go and disable anything, look at the card and make sure nothing is pluged into it.
I can't see attachments on this site.


New Member
Although it's not the same model...........

I can atleast get an idea of what this thinga-ma-bob is......
And I appreciate eveyone's imput, by the way.......
So...my issue could be the hard drive that I added (which is working fine)????

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
As far as I can tell you are the only one having this problem. If you have listed Signs 101 in you browser as an exempt or trusted site, you should be seeing everything. Please post whatever it turns out to be when you get to the bottom of it.