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apples OrAngeS and LETTUCE


New Member
Ok you little varmits......since the last lesson went over like a turd in a punchbowl....let's try something else. we all love fonts (duh) or we wouldn't be in this business. Sometimes you can look at a word so long it just doesn't look right anymore. I think it's fun to play with words. Do you have a word you would like to share that you think really matches a font? Or ....how about a word that really does NOT fit with the font. Here are some examples. There are no right or wrong samples.
Anybody can do anything that he imagines Henry Ford

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New Member
Here's a couple fonts and their names as listed on a CD I purchased along the way. Don't think I'd ever use them, but...


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New Member
No offense intended, for what I've done so far, I haven't had to use those fonts. But, you never know... They're nice to have, in case the right job comes along. I guess my post may have sounded negative towards those fonts, wasn't intended that way. Just thought they were a little different and more flashy than the normal fonts and wanted to show them off.



Certified Enneadecagon Designer
I was kidding Geb........ I mean I have used it, but never thought I would ;) (look at the whhippersnapppers thread, it's on the Little Shop of Horrors sign-en espanol)


New Member
It definately fits for that theme(horror), or a scary title line. I have a few more similar to Rocky, they would all be good for a Halloween theme.
Signlab even has a font named after one of my favorite shows, Sportscenter.


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Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
Gerber has been calling it Athletic Script for years and I have it in a collection under the name of Sport Script.


Certified Enneadecagon Designer
House Industries and Havana Street have cool Horror Fonts as well, I've use them on little signs within a ride, but that was it. Like the Gerber script font, but since I am on a Mac, I never get to use mine :(


New Member
Please Mistress- what font is Christmas? Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou


New Member
Hi Gene....the above Christmas is just called Christmas script. It is pretty huh. here are a few others I like eventhough the top one is hard to read I like it.


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