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Atlanta Braves script font?


New Member
Anyone know what font (if it is one) they use and where it might be available for purchase or download? I am not looking to do the logo, but want to do my son's and party guests name like the logo for shirts (birthday coming and he's a HUGE fan).
Thanks in advance.


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New Member
it is not a font...its a one off rendering with pen or ink then was kept as a logo. old hand drawn lettering like COKE-COLA, PEPSI, DAD'S OLD FASHIONED ROOT BEER are not fonts...just words....


New Member
Check out Goldsmith script from letterhead fonts. It's got the same feel.


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New Member
yeah, I thought it might not be a font, the letterhead Pilsner one kinda feels that way too, but the B is off a good bit, I have C names so maybe it's close enough, just hate to shell out $45 and it not work, is it any less expensive anywhere?

Thanks for the help!



New Member
Good point OP!
If you don't have a scanner, you need to get one. I'm a "cut vinyl" kinda guy and having a scanner makes a huge impact on the graphics and some of the lettering I produce. I also have a tablet so I can "sketch" right in my applications, giant leap forward for me.


New Member
most old signpainters.....didnt reproduce "fonts" they made up there own. you could travel from one town to another and see what we call today "brush script" in 10 different variations...all look close but none the same. this is what you got with the BRAVES word. was done by one sign writer and you never will find a font set that is exact. iam sure you, your wife, mom dad somebody in you know has a nice writing style(mine sucks ian left handed) get a 4x5 wacom tablet like jimd says...take it right into the computer and its "your" work....not just some font.


New Member
Thanks for the replies, unfortuneately I am at best challenged when it comes to free hand anything, I can't even read my own writing much less create something that would be printable. I found vitrina that looks close enough that I may be able to tweak it enough to pass, anyone know if it's in package? Since the shirts are gifts and not for sale or profit I don't feel too bad about borrowing the tomahawk, although I probably shouldn't use it without permission huh?

Bobby, the link shows a no longer available tablet, if you want to sell yours and it works with XP please let me know!



New Member
Quick Samples

close enough maybe? Used screen shots as I haven't purchased the font, should be much cleaner.


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