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Can Anybody ID this Font


New Member


  • FONT.jpg
    30.5 KB · Views: 157

Tony Teveris

New Member
Fonts, fonts and more fonts

Now if you sign people would just be like the newpaper people we would just have to learn and use 10 fonts. If life were that simple.

Fred are they Type 1 or TrueType ?

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
Tony Teveris said:
Now if you sign people would just be like the newpaper people we would just have to learn and use 10 fonts. If life were that simple.

Fred are they Type 1 or TrueType ?

At newspapers my guess would be 99% Type 1 and 99% Macintosh.

I remember when I first became a Gerber Enrichment Facility in 1983. I had 11 of your $280 fonts and 15 colors of your vinyl. Customers could pick their typefaces and colors in 30 to 60 seconds.

Life was good. :Sleeping: