EPS or AI for transportable files between various sign programs. SPOT ON Fred.
I guess that's because ADOBE instrumental in pioneering computer graphics, eh?
Adobe was simply the survivor (and better business organization) of the original Three A's ... Adobe,
Aldus and
Altsys. The three of them, according to a conversation I had with the president of Altsys, agreed to accept Postscript as the standard language all their programs would share in common. The result was the widespread acceptance of Postscript as the industry standard for file sharing.
For those not familiar with these companies, Altsys developed Fontographer and Freehand. Aldus developed Pagemaker and licensed Freehand from Altsys. Adobe acquired Aldus and Altsys had to sue Adobe to regain control of its Freehand product. Altsys was subsequently acquired by
Macromedia and Macromedia was later acquired by Adobe.