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Cannot Open Port in Flexi 7.6


New Member
I have had a look through the posts on the forum related to this error but none seem to fit my problem. The only one that may is the one posted by Zardoz_Canada but I have the problem with all my cutters, not just the SP 450V. A bit of the background to follow:

I am running 7.6 on PC and have been doing so for the past week or so. All ran fine. I connect to my printer and plotter via TCP IP. Never had a problem.

I upgraded the machines running Flexi to XP SP2, the upgrade seemed to be fine however I am unable to cut to my Graphtec and Roland, I get the message 'Cannot Open Port' withing Production Manager.

I can cut using Signlab on another machine also upgraded to XP SP 2. On one of the Flexi machines, I have the Roland Versaworks software. I can send through a test cut to the Versacamm and that cuts fine. I then try and send the same text withing Flexi to the Versacamm and 'Cannot Open Port'

The same is true of the Graphtec.

The only thing that has changed is that I upgraded to SP 2 and now Flexi will not communicate with the cutters. My notebook has both 7.0 and 7.6 of Flexi. Both versions have the same problem, 'Cannot Open Port'

Has anyone else had a similar problem when upgrading to SP 2 of Windows XP? Does anyone have any ideas on what could be the problem?

By the way, I have turned OFF the firewall.

Thanks in advance.



New Member
Check which drivers you have, and what is set for default, then shut everything down. Unplug your plotter, wait 15 seconds, and plug it back in. Power up your plotter, then your PC. Then see what happens.


New Member
I think Flamey is on the right track. Make sure you have the latest drivers for all of your plotters/printers/etc.. Often, you get the OS upgraded for your computer but expect the same drivers that worked before to work; they usually don't. Go to the websites of the manufacturers and download the latest drivers; that would be the first thing I'd try.

Good luck,



New Member
The drivers are the ones supplied with Flexi 7.6. There an no drivers in the printers within Windows.

I left everything off overnight and all but still the problems persists all day.

Can cut with the graphtec if I use LPT, however it is a 24" cutter. I need to comm with the Roland as that cuts 48" and I need to cut 42". The Roland is only IP not LPT or USB.


New Member
Is your production manager on a seperate computer from the one your sending?

After the reinstall you gotta turn on the "allow remote send" checkmark under preferences on PM.


New Member
Is your production manager on a seperate computer from the one your sending?

After the reinstall you gotta turn on the "allow remote send" checkmark under preferences on PM.

A: The Production Manager is on the computer that Flexi is running on.

I was told by the Local support guys for Scanvec to take the tick out of that check box. Either way, it makes no difference.

Go to Flexi's preferences and make sure connect to local P. Mgr. using TCP/IP is checked

I did notice that being there. Is it in the plotter Setup Preferences.

SP2 is a known trouble maker... Updated drivers seems to fix the problems..
I have loaded the drivers within Flexi. I do not use drivers withing Windows Print Manager.

I have downloaded Flexi 7.6 SP2 and will install that to see if any change.

As a matter of interest, my brother in law is using 7.6 and XP SP 2 and he cannot get his rock hopper on a Jet direct ot work. He gets the 'Cannot Open Port' message as well. He has been using a parallel connection. I only found this out today when I was talking to him.

Thanks for the helps so far guys, if you or anyone else has any ideas, please feel free to post them.


mark in tx

New Member
Take a look at the disc that came with your roland, it should have a program on it that essentially "finds" the printer and gets windows to recognize it.
The program will also change the factory TCP/IP address of the printer to whatever you want it to be. I had the same problem and thats how I fixed it.
BTW I changed my printer IP to to make it easier for the network.

Mike Paul

Premium Subscriber
tdgraphics said:

I did notice that being there. Is it in the plotter Setup Preferences.


Did or didn't?
Go to Edit at the top left of your Flexi program >scroll down to preferences and the setting / option connect to local P. Mgr. using TCP/IP will be inside there. I'm not at the shop so I can't walk you through it but I'm quite sure this is your problem. What version of 7.6 do you have?


New Member
Thanks for all the help guys. The problem is sorted.

It seems to be related to the subnet on the network.

I have for the past 3 years been running my network with the computers / routers / switches on one subnet, 192.168.1.xxx and the printers / cutters and other IP devices on another subnet, 192.168.0.xxx with a subnet mask of which should give me access to 16 subnets. That all worked fine with Signlab, Versaworks and anything else except Flexi 7.6 when I upgraded to XP SP2.

I was still able to ping and access all devices through everything except Flexi.

My conclusion is that there is a 'issue' with Flexi and XP SP2 if the devices it is trying to access are on a different subnet. Under XP SP1 it worked fine.

Thanks again for all your help.
