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Need Help Communications Error

Lew Hands

New Member
Hey guys,

I’m having issues with my edge 2. Now I’ve had the comma error message before, and I switched cables and it fixed the problem. I’ve tried 4 different cables now and still having the issue. The issue happens every time I’ve put the first foil down, it comes up with the error. I know I can try a new cable from Gerber but spandex don’t have them in stock. Is there anything else I can try? Been running this edge fine, then today all of a sudden it’s playing up.

Lew Hands

New Member
Hey guys,

I’m having issues with my edge 2. Now I’ve had the comma error message before, and I switched cables and it fixed the problem. I’ve tried 4 different cables now and still having the issue. The issue happens every time I’ve put the first foil down, it comes up with the error. I know I can try a new cable from Gerber but spandex don’t have them in stock. Is there anything else I can try? Been running this edge fine, then today all of a sudden it’s playing up.


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Jeff grossman

Living the dream
What type of cable ? Serial/ parallel \usb . I had issues until I went usb conversion . One machine win 7 the other win 10 . Edge 2 , FX , and 2 plotters . Upgraded win 10 machine to 6.5 omega no longer have issues running anything

Joe House

Sign Equipment Technician
Get the Gerber USB to Parallel cable. Anytime I have a customer getting com errors to their Edge, we change them to this cable and problems go away.

Good Luck

Lew Hands

New Member
Thanks for the reply guys, its just the parallel cable. Im only running omega 3 I think it is, Im pretty sure you can only run the USB cable with Omega 5 or newer?


Lew Hands

New Member
Ok so since I posted this, I get the comms error after the first colour of say an 8 colour job, then I put that colour to the back and re run the job it runs fine, and this seems to happen every time. Also every time I do a job on clear vinyl, I have no problems! So I'm assuming for whatever reason, there's something wrong when I'm printing on the preset white vinyl, anybody know why this is?!


Titch Sanders

New Member
Ok so since I posted this, I get the comms error after the first colour of say an 8 colour job, then I put that colour to the back and re run the job it runs fine, and this seems to happen every time. Also every time I do a job on clear vinyl, I have no problems! So I'm assuming for whatever reason, there's something wrong when I'm printing on the preset white vinyl, anybody know why this is?!

Hi Lew,
do you change the preset White per job, depending on which vinyl is in the Edge? I always, in fact have never changed that setting from the White, I just note that White isn't to be printed.. unless it's a different vinyl in. Possibly it's that preset that's the issue in the programme?????


Active Member
since you are changing cables, remember there are many different types of parallel cables, used over the last 30 yrs. you also have to look at parallel port MODE which is set in the pc bios setup before the operating system boots. if the pc & os is set for EPS for example, but you are using an older bidirectional cable you will get a comm error.

since it is a parallel cable, what operating system, what windows? did you reinstall windows? upgrade? change printer cable?

as was suggested above, you might be better served switching to a usb to parallel adapter, or a cheap ($50.) network print server, everything on my system has a print server,

if this setup was working previously, it could be an internal error in the edge, unplugging power, removing covers & reseating all the plug in connectors might be the way to go.

Lew Hands

New Member
since you are changing cables, remember there are many different types of parallel cables, used over the last 30 yrs. you also have to look at parallel port MODE which is set in the pc bios setup before the operating system boots. if the pc & os is set for EPS for example, but you are using an older bidirectional cable you will get a comm error.

since it is a parallel cable, what operating system, what windows? did you reinstall windows? upgrade? change printer cable?

as was suggested above, you might be better served switching to a usb to parallel adapter, or a cheap ($50.) network print server, everything on my system has a print server,

if this setup was working previously, it could be an internal error in the edge, unplugging power, removing covers & reseating all the plug in connectors might be the way to go.

Thanks for the reply.

Its a windows xp pc, which was running the edge for 2 years with no issues. I just moved premises, set the edge up temporarily to print a couple jobs I needed to get out, then set the edge up in its new home, it printed fine for a couple days and then this all started.

Im leaning towards something in the edge, I've tried unplugging etc and restarting. I think ill try uninstalling omega and reinstalling? Just seems strange how when I print on the standard selected white vinyl I get problems, but not on the translucent vinyl?!
