thanks... sorry for the ranting
I know I can be slightly less than professional (and way too sarcastic) so I'd like to apologize for that and thank everyone for the suggestions. I think I am going to check out building another machine for rips. I think that Flexi's salesmen need the most help of ANYONE in the chain, really. I was given no real helpful information when I purchased it, as a matter of fact I was told it would run fine on a Celeron processor (which was from the supposed tech at the supplier I will not mention) which was TOTALLY FALSE.
I realize now I should have built a third machine for rips. I wasn't told it wasn't necessary, but neither was I told that it was.... or would even be helpful. I think if the "tech" had known anything about Flexi for real, he would have given me much more helpful info, and I would probably have a much higher opinion of Flexi. Hope this helps some people out there deciding on software or trying to troubleshoot Crapxi.
Thanks again, everybody! (I'll be publishing that dictionary in the fall... )