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Cure for the snow...

Deaton Design

New Member
Just gotta have plenty of extension cords...lol.


  • heatgun.jpg
    70.7 KB · Views: 92

Pat Whatley

New Member
If you get enough cords to stretch from Harlan to Atlanta would you mind de-icing the UPS hub?

I've got four packages that I really needed Monday that have been sitting there since Friday. Apparently the place is buried in snow and ice.


New Member
Ha! Love that. This is our first day back to work this week due to snow.

"Snow on da ground, Snow on da ground, lookin' like a fool wit ur car spinnin' around!" (Quote from a friend)


New Member
Nice. I know you are doing this to brush up on your photoshop skills. I would suggest instead of the orange coming out the heat gun you should try distorting and blur the background so it looks like heat waves coming out.