is it a USB key? I sometimes shut down the program & remove the key to run Flexi on a different workstation, then when I come back to the first workstation, if I plug into a different USB port, when I launch the program, it asks for the key... but when I always use the same port, it never happens.
I'm not sure any of that info is of value, since your situation seems so different, but another thought I had from some similar problems others have had with Omega having trouble detecting the key... some programs send out occassional signals to look for the key during the time the program is running... not just when you launch it. That may be what is shutting you down in the middle of your work, because it pings the key & doesn't find it. i think in XP there is some "power management" settings that tell the computer to "turn off this port to save power"
go to windows explorer
right click "my computer"
choose properties
choose the "hardware" tab
click on the "device manager" button
go down to "universal seriel bus controllers"
& click on the + symbol to expand the contents
you will get a number of things but one or more will say USB Root Hub (probably one for each USB port)
anyway, right click one of those, choose properties
go to the "power management" tab
you will see a box saying "allow computer to turn off this port to save power"
uncheck that box... then I would do the same for each USB root hub
(if you know how to tell which one you fixed, you could only use that one... but I don't know how to tell... maybe you don't have as many... my computer has about 5)
I hope that works, it seems logical & I know it saved the day for similar omega problems in the past
good luck & tell us if it worked.