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New Member
Hi everyone,
I've been reading the website for some time now and have
made use of the vast knowledge here. I opened a part time
sign shop 3 yrs ago to help my cousin out. He needed a place to paint and sandblast signs.. We did vinyl to cover the overhead and purchase equipment.
He developed a brain tumor however, and I have lost my mentor. I still have a box of brushes to learn how to use.
I stay busy in this small town by word of mouth only.

In the mean time, I still do vinyl and will gradually move on to more artistic things as I learn the skills.

This morning, I need to repair a sign for this afternoon and
could anyone identify the attached font? and where to purchase

I posted on What the font but no matching



  • PICT0607.jpeg
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Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
The font appears to be a stretched version of WSI Speedy Marker. In the attached image, the top line is your original, the blue line is Speedy marker without modification, and the bottom line is stretched to 115%.

Speedy Marker is from Weatherly Systems Inc. and is available for free download to paid subscribers at Clipart.com. You can go directly to the Speedy Marker page by clicking here.


  • LIGHT.jpg
    39.1 KB · Views: 109


New Member
Thanks for the website Stevo.

Fred nailed it again and the sign is already delivered. Fred, you
made me look good
thanks to both of you
