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HP L26500: screen says 1ml left in cartridge, but there is some left


Not a newbie
So on the screen of the printer, it says that I only have 1ml of yellow ink left. I normally print until the printer stop and ask me to change the cartridge. I've printed maybe 30 linear feet of material and the printer never asked to change the cartridge. At the end, I take off the cartridge and there is maybe 50ml-100ml left in it.

Do I just change the cartridge or I left it there until the printer ask me to change it?



Not a newbie
Something's up with the sensor in the cartridge. I would leave it in and see if you can empty it.

my concern is when the cartridge will be really empty, does it could provoque a problem and/or damage something?


Just call me Chester.
From my experience with the same printer, it seems to me that the weaker print heads may stop working if you let the ink cartridge run down to 0 ml.
We have tried to get the print heads back but it has never worked after running the ink to low or out.
Now I always replace the ink cartridge when it is 5-10 ml remaining.


New Member
you can keep running it, but the ink may drop out halfway through your print.
plus side, you've got the opposite (and much better) version of my problem.... where the cartridge would sometimes run dry, when the machine says it still has 50-60mL left in it..... r.i.p. 6+ feet of vinyl, everytime that happens.


Not a newbie
you can keep running it, but the ink may drop out halfway through your print.
plus side, you've got the opposite (and much better) version of my problem.... where the cartridge would sometimes run dry, when the machine says it still has 50-60mL left in it..... r.i.p. 6+ feet of vinyl, everytime that happens.

I don't know if you have the same printer than me (L26500), but when the cartridge is empty in the middle of a print, the printer stop, let me change the cartridge and resume the printing without any problem.


Just call me Chester.
If the printer registers that there is still ink in the cartridge, even if it is really empty, it would probably continue to print.
So if he looked at the control panel it would say 50-60 ml when in reality it is empty.


Not a newbie
If the printer registers that there is still ink in the cartridge, even if it is really empty, it would probably continue to print.
So if he looked at the control panel it would say 50-60 ml when in reality it is empty.

My problem is the inverse. The control panel say 1ml but I still have around 50ml left in the cartridge and it still print. The printer do not ask me to change the cartridge.
You will always have left over ink in the cartridge. This is to minimize print issues and to keep air out of the lines. There is no way to make the printer use the remaining ink. In my opinion there is no real benefit to trying to save this and put it back into another cartridge. There are some threads on using remaining ink from cartridges though. You could search and find some.


New Member
I don't know if you have the same printer than me (L26500), but when the cartridge is empty in the middle of a print, the printer stop, let me change the cartridge and resume the printing without any problem.
same machine, and i get that.....xept when the printer thinks there's still ink in an empty cartridge, and keeps trying to print while sucking fumes.


Not a newbie
same machine, and i get that.....xept when the printer thinks there's still ink in an empty cartridge, and keeps trying to print while sucking fumes.

ishh. It's not good for the printer. Does it mess or brake anything in the printer?